Our services
SESC Permits
Keeping with its original charge of mitigating the effects of soil erosion, the Leelanau Conservation District oversees and monitors Michigan’s Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Law for Leelanau County. LCD accepts and reviews applications for SESC permits and conducts site visits to address questions or concerns about soil conditions, erosion hazards, and risk to wetlands.
The origins of the Leelanau Conservation District are bound to Leelanau agriculture. Established in 1943, the District was created to assist farmers with soil erosion. Today, LCD continues to partner with local growers by providing land management resources alongside programs delivered by MDARD and the USDA that help realize long-term environmental sustainability.
Natural Resources
Leelanau County is synonymous with the natural beauty that surrounds it. From Empire Bluff and Cathead Bay Trails, to vineyards and orchards, lakeside cottages, front lawns and backyard gardens—these wild and cultivated places are entrusted to each of us. LCD promotes the wise use of these resources and partners with community members by providing a wide range of information centering on the practice of environmental stewardship and education.
Forests play a multifaceted role in sustainability—serving as sources of oxygen, carbon storage, and vibrant hubs of biodiversity while also acting as a safeguard for soil and water resources, preventing erosion and nurturing healthy watersheds. LCD works with forestland owners to promote sustainable management of this vital resource and emboldens active forest stewardship with free technical assistance.